Mayapuri is an Industrial area in Delhi in two phases (phase – I & phase –II). In this Industrial area there are various types of Industries like Textile, Electroplating, Vehicle Servicing, Oil processing, Banquet Halls & Pickling units. etc. Many of these Industries discharges wastewater. All the waste water needs to be treated before being discharged to the Yamuna River. Many of these Industries do not have enough space to install effluent treatment units. Hence, DSIIDC has installed this Common Effluent Treatment Plant of 12 MLD capacity in 2002 and handed over to CETP Soceity on 5th Nov, 2005. The plant receives effluent from various industries. The combined effluent is being treated in this plant to bring the discharge water quality as per the norms. The treated effluent is being discharged in Yamuna river through drains !